You already are the thing you want to be.
You already possess the qualities that you admire others for and wish you had them too.
You don't need to hit a destination, check things off a list of assignments, make it a task, worry about doing it right or wrong, biting your nails questioning whether you're failing or not.
There is no destination to your highest self or your best version because there is no point at which a marker that separates your old self and your new self exists.
There is no border that delineates who you were from who you innately are.
Why? Because you already are all the things you want to become.
The secret is to tap within, bring them to the light and master them by embodying them. You only need your own permission to embody your highest self.
And THAT is the challenge.
What is preventing your self actualized version to be in the here and now?
The traumas, the wounds, the fears, the doubts, the blame, the projections, the mechanisms that keep you in the illusion of who you think you are.
And healing this is no small task.
Actually it may seem a tall order if you don't look at it as an ongoing process where you allow your truth to be revealed slowly.