Get to Know Me!
Joanna FAY
Hi, there! My name is Joanna Fay, and I want to welcome you to my world, STAR COLLECTIVE.
In terms of credentials, I'm an Internationally Certified Trauma & Recovery Practitioner. I teach Embodied Authenticity and Shadow Alchemy & Integration. But if you ask me personally, I prefer calling myself a True Self Liberation Guide. Why? Because what I basically do is guide women back home to their true self.
I'm coming from a background of acute, chronic abuse, both physical and emotional and my intense life experience prepared me to be able to hold space and guide others to heal the wounds that I myself healed.
I believe we are all infinite beings projecting into this flesh for a while. I believe we came here on Earth to experience the wonders of the world through all of our senses, to deepen our understanding of ourselves, the world around us and of the entire universe.
But I mostly believe that we came here to learn hard lessons that are meant to guide us back home to ourselves.
Throughout the process of our guided journey together, I will hold a safe and non-judgmental space for you to allow yourself to express what you have been withholding all your life, I will guide you step by step to uncover and root out the beliefs and stories that have plagued your potential and by giving yourself the permission to let the rawness of your pain speak for the first time.
During our sessions, we’ll dive deep into the uncharted territory of your emotions to make sense of what happened in your childhood and the meanings you assigned to those situations. I believe that emotions are stored in the body, which is our manifested subconscious, hence I will guide you to get to know your body again & connect to it in order to truthfully heal.
The Shadow work we will be doing is a deep transformational process, it is not something to be taken lightly. It is the transmutation of painful emotions, painful beliefs and painful aspects of you into what is and has always been genuine and authentic about you.
My RAW story
Some years ago, I shot out the door in my bunny slippers, running for dear life, trembling in terror that he'll catch me and kill me.
Minutes before, I had been battered, choked & threatened by my boyfriend at the time. I ran away from home & was roaming the streets. I was afraid for my own life. I had to go back to my hometown, with no money in my pocket, leaving behind a 8yr old relationship and a thriving business with my abusive ex that I got away from.
I lost everything.
I was aching emotionally & physically. I had the most brutal dark night of the soul, with such an agonizing disintegration of the ego. I was on the verge of losing my sanity.
All my unresolved childhood traumas, limiting beliefs and repressed pain gushed out of me all at once.
The memories of my rapes, my physical & emotional abuses, my neglect, domestic violence and so many ways I was abandoned emotionally were flooding my conscious mind.
I wanted to take my life.
But I told myself: "Before I do it, I want to give life one more try and this time give it my all. I want to do it my way. If this doesn't change, then I can die." I desperately wanted to change. I just didn’t know how. And this is a crucial point in my story. I remember the fierce commitment I made to myself: "I don't know how I'll do it, but I'll do it.
Every single day, I will do everything in my power to heal in the best way that I know how." Intuitively, I was called towards shadow integration that slowly put me back together piece by piece.
Every day, religiously, I showed up for myself.
Now looking back I realize that what made the difference was my commitment. I took me out of darkness.
Shadow work & integration, alongside somatic healing saved my life.
I am not trying to boast.
I don’t have superpowers.
What I am trying to do is to show that anyone can become the best version of themselves once they commit to heal whatever is in the way of that.
It gets easier. Your pain is not who you are.
There's so much power and light-heartedness on the other side of where you are now.
All it takes is the first step. I am here to show you how.
My motto is „Your pain has a story. Become the storyteller” because I believe we all have our stories of pain, survival and hope. But we keep these stories hidden & we fear exposing them because we believe it is what makes us unlovable & defective.
In order for us to become whole again, every story of pain needs to be told & every wound needs to be seen & heard. And so, the first step to healing is to let yourself be vulnerable & to show the world where it hurts the most: and you do that by becoming the storyteller of your own pain.
I encourage you to do that. I want to take you with me in the spiritual journey of discovering your authentic self and staying true to who you are, by unlearning your story of grief.