Nobody has it all figured out all the time. Give yourself a break!
Lived my life thinking that everyone else knew exactly what they were doing and knew exactly what their purpose was, except for me.. and when I asked my friends if they knew what they were doing and if they found their purpose, all of them were extremely confident on saying yes. Felt like everyone was on their path since birth except for me. I felt weak and lost. And powerless.
But then it hit me on day... It wasn't true.
We are human, therefore we are prone to not be perfectly ok all the time. We are made to experience faltering, vacillating, being in two minds at different times. We don't have it all figured out. Lets be honest: We all sometimes or oftentimes doubted ourselves and what we had to do with our lives. We all have our falling out with ourselves and our purpose in life. And when my friends said they were all happy and perfectly aligned all of the time, I knew it could not be valid constantly. Because it can't be. Not all of the time. And not admitting to this is refusing to be vulnerable for fear of being looked at as less than.
The only difference between me and them was that I allowed myself to feel lost and powerless they didn't. People dread so much feeling like they have no purpose on this earth that they will always prefer choosing to live in denial and to lie to themselves under the guise of confidence than admit to the feeling of being lost.
Of course a lot of people know their purpose in life and are happy and one can tell when someone's genuine when they say they know what they are doing with their lives. But a lot of us don't. And guess what. That is ok. You have the permission to be lost. You are not weak or less than if you are still looking for who you are. If your truth right now at this time is that you don'tknow where you are and what you're supposed to do with your life, accept it. As long as you deny it, you block any possibility of change. As long as you deny the reality, nothing can change and nothing can go from here.
We don't allow ourselves to be lost so we cannot truly ever give ourselves the permission to be found.