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The body awakening

When your body awakens, you get in touch with your deepest wisdom.

From the very first day that we are born, we accumulate, absorb & take into your being everything around us. Either good or bad. The love, the approval, appraisal, support & all the positive things that a child needs in order to develop & flourish naturally in his or her own rhythm are crucial to their healthy development.

Developmental trauma happens when all of these positive things that nourish the child and fulfill their needs don't occur either at all, in extreme cases, either in a chronically intermittent pattern, meaning the childs emotional needs are taken care of inconsistently.

But you see, when trauma occurs, whatever type of trauma, it does not only go into the deepest and darkest corners of our minds so we don't have any immediate access to it, but it is also carefully stored & garnered by our own body, moreso the nervous system.

This part -the way in which our body plays a role in trauma- is something we often overlook, especially in the spritual community because there is a widespread misconception that the body is not really important in our spiritual development, that we must transcend it and bypass it as a 3d lower consciousness manifestation. But actually this idea has the immense potential to hinder our healing process. If we believe our physicality is not crucial, it can be also quite dangerous because we overlook, disown & we don't take seriously the way in which our pain leaves marks and scars in our flesh, in our cells, in our organs.

When trauma happens, we not only disconnect from the reality and realness of what happened to us that caused us that harm, and we hence push it into our subconscious, we also disconnect our mind from our body. Our mind, our entire being and beingness is severed from the rest of our physical existence. Trauma disembodies us in such a terrible way, that it is only when we have a body awakening, we realize how much of a stranger our own body and our own bodily sensations are to us. We become disembodied as an attempt from our survival mechanisms to help us run away from the pain, to escape it in any way possible.

This is especially the case with people who have suffered profound traumas or people who have a shame based core around sexuality. I have noticed it with myself. I am in the process of healing deep and embedded wounds in my body. I have been unaware of how much I pushed the wisdom of my body away because of the pain of my traumas associated with the body. I told the story of my spiritual awakening. I mentioned how I was battered, abused and many other intensely traumatizing things that I am not yet ready to speak about. What I didn't know when I had my awakening was that this spiritual process of coming back to my true self entailed many other layers of awakening. Your mind may awaken at a different time than your soul does and your body's awakening happens at another time. It is possible, it happened to me. These awakenings take place at different times whenever you are ready to welcome them. And yes there is such a thing as a body awakening. This awakening occurs the moment you decide that you want to tune back into how you feel inside your body.

Your body knows everything about you. Your body knows your secrets & knows you better than your conscious mind does.

You discover, when you awaken to the greatness of your body, that it is, as I call it, your physical subconscious. You discover that anything that you deny about what happened to you, anything about you & your life that you associate with negative energy bleeds into the cells of your body & are stored there.

Tune into the sensations of your body to get to know yourself. When you start to listen to what your body speaks to you, you come across the manifestation of all the grief that you were blind to and was crammed into the subconscious. It is when you are in your body that you are in the present moment. Notice the subtle signals or not so subtle signals your body is sending you. When you take your attention into your physicality and dive into all the bodily sensations, you will notice for the first time the tightness of the muscles, the normalized anxiety that creates constriction in your tissues, the unnatural pace that your heart races at, the heaviness in your chest or the grip in your neck area that feels like a vises grip. Giving yourself permission to plug back into your body will give rise to the deeper understanding of any diseases that you may be facing. The more you disallow your body's voice to talk to you, the more you become compatible with the dis-eases that are a match to the type of pain that you rejected long time ago. If you let your tissues talk to you, they will tell you what they need in order to heal. Ask these sensations what they want to tell you. We learn to disown our body's wisdom. Our body is the home of our intuition, it is in our sensations that we can dive & find our truth. Our body is a keeper, a guardian of our truths and we need to start honoring it and giving it the unconditional presence it deserves. Alongside shadow work practices, I strongly believe that somatic healing is one of the most revolutionary and life saving techniques or methods to recover and restore our intimate connection with our bodies. I saw that and tested that firsthand, on myself. Remember there is no difference between your emotions & your physical sensations. They just convey the same messages in different languages.

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