I trust myself to make the necessary mistakes.
I trust myself to make the necessary mistakes that will help me grow.
I trust myself to have the necessary failures that will propel me to where I need to be.
I trust myself to take the necessary wrong steps, make the necessary wrong decisions and choose the things that will teach me more about what I truly want.
I trust myself that I will make the necessary mistakes that will lead me to learning a new lesson.
I trust myself that when I feel corroding embarrassment for my mistakes, I will choose to love myself with the embarrassment and not try to change myself into more of what I'm "supposed" to be.
I trust myself enough to understand that being authentic doesn't mean leaving out what is not socially rewarding to show and own about myself.
I trust myself to make the necessary mistakes that will lead me back to my true self.
I trust myself to make the necessary mistakes because that means I'm moving into an uncharted territory of my life.
You can only make mistakes when you're growing, learning, leaning into new perspectives of seeing and living your own life.
You do not make mistakes in your comfort zone, where you know what needs to be done. You never make mistakes within the confines of what you have already explored, know what is what and how to do it. I may be stating the obvious for some of you, but too many times it's the obvious that we miss because of the label and meanings we assigned to it.
And so you step into a wiser phase in your life whenever you don't let what's seemingly obvious deter you from looking at it intently and with thirst in your eyes. So many times it's the obvious that is left unexamined and unexplored.
And with that being said, ask yourself what mistakes have you made recently?
You don't need to always be trying and doing new things to be allowing of yourself to make mistakes. You can also let yourself make the necessary mistakes to master more in depth what you already believe you are mastering.
So if you haven't made mistakes recently, made a fool our of yourself for doing something wrong, felt nervous, felt discomfort, that's not ultimately good news. It can simply mean you haven't been stretching your comfort zone and maybe don't trust yourself to make the necessary mistakes that will move you into more of your potential.
Mistakes are unavoidable anyway. So instead of focusing your energy in being perfect at all times or even worse, covering up your mistakes, why not surrender to your humanness and own these mistakes, and do what the wise would do: extract the zest of a new, improved existence that lies at the core of these mistakes, whatever they may be.