All my life I felt at the mercy of whoever and whatever circumstances I was in.
In my childhood, I had no choice. I couldn't change or decide anything about myself. I couldn't even choose what clothes to wear, let alone who I wanted to become.
And so it makes sense why my young mind made it mean that I was powerless and choiceless in any relationship and situation in my life.
I was enduring it. I was letting things happen to me.
It was so strange to me when I found out that I could actually change my thoughts and consequently my beliefs. How could that be? It felt fake at first. It felt forced. It was like I was lying to myself.
It took me long enough to allow the epiphany that I always had/have the choice and ability to choose my own life to dawn on me. It took me long enough to finally accept that I create my life with all the good, the bad and the miracles. It took me long enough to understand that I choose what I want to embody and make it my truth as long as I live in integrity with it.
How do beliefs work though and how do we have the ability to decide what we want to be true for us?
Beliefs have to feel true for you to believe them. And they can only feel true because of the deep emotion that locks them in. But inherently a belief is neither true or false, it is simply detrimental or beneficial.
However, your subconscious mind absolutely needs to be convinced that something is 100% true in order to start believing it. But it is your conscious mind that decides and chooses whether a belief is detrimental or beneficial to have. The subconscious is a loyal servant and it operates on a black or white thinking, truth or illusion. It doesn't operate on nuances. So if your conscious mind decides that a belief is beneficial to have because it serves you in some way and sees enough proof for it, it defaults it to the subconscious mind which runs in the background continually looking for proof in an automatic manner to reinforce this belief as true. Your subconscious mind operates with the material that your conscious gives it to operate with.
Because in reality, you can consciously and conscientiously use your free will to decide what to have as beliefs. And you have to make them feel true to be embedded into your subconscious. That's why affirmations by themselves don't work. Affirmations bypass the need for proof of your subconscious mind to truly believe that new belief. Your conscious mind deconstructs, examines and questions and then decides what to believe. Living in integrity and authenticity is a conscious choice pertaining to the conscious mind and its awareness. Your authenticity is a conscious choice to re-own denied and disowned aspects of your consciousness. All these disowned aspects bear limiting beliefs that were painful meanings you unconsciously assigned to situations and events that you didn't have the cognitive capacity to make real and actual sense of as a child and in order to survive, you disowned them and identified with the polar opposite aspects that ensured you were safe & belonging in the world. You lived all your life not questioning these assumptions that you had no critical mind to interpret when they happened to you as a child. But now as a conscious creator that is taking his or her life and power back, you need to start looking at these things in terms of free choice. Beliefs don't happen to you. You chose them because they served you in some way, even before you knew you were choosing. The emotional payoff of these beliefs is what kept them glued into place for so long, locked in, as I said in the beginning. The subconscious reprogramming that needs to be done in order to uproot and replace these beliefs is a process that requires time, commitment, patience and understanding.
You have always been a creator. Everything that surrounds you and everything that is within you is your own creation. But as a child, when you created your own internal world to guarantee you fit into this world you had no idea that you were creating something more powerful than anything. You had zero awareness of it.
But now you do. And creator consciousness is not something complicated and unattainable. It is natural to everyone of us. How do you become a conscious creator?
It is enough to want to change something about your life to step into your creative potential and power.
The core beliefs that you feel at the mercy of can be changed simply because you want to. All it takes is intention and the choice to own your life to become a conscious creator.
It is as simple as that.