Everything matters because everything has meaning, even if you don't see it at first. There is not one thing on this Earth that does not have a meaning.
When you're in that stage in your life where you feel like nothing you do weighs anything and that what you do doesn't really matter to you or to anyone, then you need to stop right there and ponder upon what I'm about to say.
First I need to start by saying that there is nothing in this world that does not truly matter. Why? Because it wouldn't be happening or it would not exist if it had no role in the greater universe. The universe does not do useless and meaningless things, nor does it allow for redundant things or events or people that do not add to the experience or to its expansion to happen. Therefore who you are is not an accident, the fact that you were born is not an accident, what you do right now is not an accident. What you do and who you are matters because otherwise you would not have been born at this time on earth. You as you are add value to the world just as you are.
The only thing that prevents you from seeing the value in whatever you do at each time of day that you do it is the meaning that your mind is trained to add to it, not the actual intrisic value it has. Your mind was molded into seeing that the things that matter are only things that bring direct value to society, not the individual.
For instance, a job like that of a lawyer is seen as valuable because it has an immediate and obvious value to society. However, if someone wahes the dishes or sweeps the floor, he or she does not see this activity as something that truly matters because it does not bring immediate and quantifiable value to society. But it does matter to the individual and on the long the run the society. How does it matter? For example the person who wishes the dishes declutter the space and that gives their mind space to think clearer and the same person comes up with a brilliant idea. Or by sweeping the floor you take this responsibility from someone who is in need to relax and rest, and this person whom you help might focus on other things that they never had time to focus on. Bottom line is whatever you do matters. The most menial of things matters if you decide to put aside for a second the indoctrination of society that classifies and ranks things and people according to whatever directly serves it and look at the deeper meaning behind it.
You matter just as you are right now. Not how you'll be in 5 or 10 years. Not how your momor dad sees you. Not after you gain their approval and validation. You matter without any validation. What you do matters without any validation. It doesn't have to be big or important in society's eyes to be worth the energy to invest. It has to be important and it has to matter to you directly. And that is why everything you do matters because everything adds to this universe in ways you may not yet see. Do everything with love and because you want to do it. Because now you now that it matters and that nothing is pointless. Do what you do with involvement because you help the world get one step closer to its expansion.